
Ensure the website owner has obtained their purchase workflow notification.

In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee invented the WorldWideWeb web browser and transformed an academic telecommunication network into a worldwide everyman everyday communication system called internet/www. Commercial enterprise on the Internet was strictly prohibited by NSF online payment gateway until 1995.[1] Although the Internet became popular worldwide around 1994 with the adoption of Mosaic web browser, it took about five years to introduce security protocols and DSL allowing continual connection to the Internet. By the end of 2000, many European and American business companies offered their solutions through the World Wide Web. Since then people began to associate a word "ecommerce" with the ability of purchasing various items through the Internet using secure protocols and digital payment solutions.

Ensure the website owner has obtained their purchase workflow notification.
Using the fee gateway's test gateways is possible, nevertheless often requires special credentials and card particulars to become utilized...and we do not suggest it unless absolutely necessary. When testing your gateway you can utilize this website to reference test cards if needed.

Merchant e-Solutions powers financial growth through an affordable and critically engineered fee processing system called MeS Fee Gateway. Designed and operated by Merchant e-Solutions, the fee gateway is PCI compliant and supports a broad range of fee options, all card types, card present and not present transactions, dynamic DBA, purchasing card transactions, and more. Unique design features help you achieve best rate qualification, reduce downgrades and rejects, and eliminate duplicate transaction processing. Options include an Internet fee gateway. Whether you are a retailer looking to set up a shopping cart or an online storefront or a manufacturer looking for ways to minimize your distribution chain problems, Merchant e-Solutions has a solution for you.

CN!Express is a windows based software solution which runs at the retailers facilities and communicates with Merchant e-Solutions (MeS) Fee Gateway directly. CN!Express allows retailers to easily connect both legacy and modern applications  to the Trident platform to accept credit cards.
CN!Express is an affordable, self contained, and secure fee transaction software; capable of processing thousands of payments per day. CN!Express offers a simple reliable application with which an enterprise can consolidate transactions to Trident Fee Gateway.

CN!Express offers multiple simultaneous connections to the MeS Fee Gateway. What does that mean for you? Where other credit card processing gateway credit card applications send one transaction after another, CN!Express sends up to 10 transactions at a time. At top speed, CN!Express processes 1,000 transactions in under 5 minutes.


How To Consider Your Customer's Money

Payment Gateway Services For Ecommerce Websites


